Saturday, February 28, 2009


Life's lessons do not always come easy. They frequently come too late. Follow the ramblings of a man looking back at life from the Back Nine.

I have too much to do. I have OCD and as such, I have to do this. I have recently had an epiphany, and I know that I am living on borrowed time. I want to write about some of the stuff I think about as I face the dismal reality of my own mortality. Armed with the knowledge that I have more years behind me than ahead of me, I feel a sense of urgency to get my affairs in order, and I want to share some of what I have learned along this bumpy road of life. Not all of life's lessons are appropriate in the context of my primary blog, and so I decided to begin another blog for this purpose. I did list it as an adult blog, since I know I will possibly talk about things I would not generally share with children. I hope that some of my older readers will drop by here from time to time. Please forgive me if this takes me a moment to get this thing off the ground. Thanks for your continued patience.


  1. I REALLY dig the skull header - could you do one for me??? I'll try to come up with my own design, but I will need help getting on the blog. I'll pay you!


  2. Wow! A Paying Gig? Considering the current economy, I would be a fool to turn down the opportunity to make a couple extra bucks, but honestly, I have not a clue what to charge for something like that. Besides I like doing it. Lets chat about it when you get more of an idea of what you want.

  3. Cool! Well, don't quit your day job...LOL...I ain't that rich, but I can definitely appreciate talent and am willing to pay someone for it. I can't believe people pay me to take their pictures sometimes. Let me work on it and we'll keep in touch.

  4. I was not thinking monetary; Let me just see what I can do, if you like it, and then, if it is good, tell your friends... that sort of thing.
