Thursday, July 16, 2009

I had to do this. My ex asked if I had fun.

A QUOTE BY ME. (Perhaps my own epitaph?)

In conversing with my room mate, I accidentally may have written my own epitaph. I hope this is not what I am remembered for, but it was rather funny. "There were a lot of things that I found very appealing about her, but then she had to go and ruin it all by being a woman." ~ME~

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I am still trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog I guess. I had big plans for it, but have found that I would probably be better off consolidating these two blogs together. The problem is, my main blog may or may not be appropriate for this content. I don't know. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I just have not felt the urge to write here in awhile. The best laid plans and all that.... I just wanted to check in.... I will probably write in this again in the not too distant future, but right now, my heart is elsewhere.